Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Pinhole Camera

As my pinhole camera nears completion, I began looking for some inspiring pinhole photographs by other artists.  Pinhole photos are unique in that you get one chance to take the perfect picture.  The small, cardboard box can hold only one piece of light-sensitive paper so a certain image can only be captured once unlike digital or film cameras.  These pictures were interesting and beautiful to me.  I hope to emulate their beauty in my photographs.

This picture is great because of its simplicity and symmetry.  The colors contrast each other well and I like how the photographer has taken a simple piece of playground equipment and made it beautiful.

This is an example of a long- exposure pinhole photograph.  An otherwise simple or uninteresting picture has been turned into something completely different.  The light abstracts the object rendering it almost unrecognizable which makes the picture art rather than capturing something as it is.