Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Inspiration- In Memory Of...

This is a post dedicated to my deceased, furry companion.  I have included his eulogy:

Prince Frederick Von Bock Helvie
Born in a village in Transylvania, Frederick was raised by a small commune of hamsters.  He later used his wit and charm to secure passage on ship destined for the majestic land of Atlanta, Georgia.  There, Fred met a wonderful dog breeder who promptly auctioned him off to the highest bidder: a lucky three person family that resided in Eastern Pennsylvania.  Often called the "favorite child" by his mother, Frederick was cherished by his entire family.  He passed peacefully in the vet's office this summer from complications with an intestinal disease common in small dogs.  He is survived by a dog and two human siblings and his devastated mother.

Fred was my first pet (and the most photogenic) so I have a lot of pictures of him.  He was a simple little thing; all he knew how to do was give kisses and bark at anything that moved too fast.  This made him an ideal pet.  He was most peaceful when he was tired and this is a picture of him in his relaxed state.
Almost all of Fred's time was spent sleeping and in this picture I seem to have awoken him from a midday slumber.  Fred was an inspiration to me because of the joy that he got out of the occasional walk or a piece of ground beef that someone dropped on the floor.  I miss him everyday and hope that he is enjoying himself frolicking around in doggy heaven. 

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