Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Installation Blog

For my installation project I have decided to take pictures of people's faces, cut out their faces and insert them to holes on the sides of carefully and artfully selected trees on campus.  As the due date of this project (and all of these blog posts) nears I have kicked my work ethic into turbo gear.  As of yet I have nothing to show for my installation project, but here are a few that are exceptionally inspirational to me.
This is a piece of installation art created by French artist Guillaume Reymond.  This picture is end result of a piece called "TRANSFORMERS".  In this piece the cars and trucks move together to create this ragin' cool robot. I highly suggest watching the video because it is awesome. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epEjByo2G-M&feature=player_embedded#!

In this piece, an artist (Benjamin Verdonck) built a nest that protrudes from an office building just chilled in it for awhile.  I like this piece of art because it is practical in addition to being aesthetically pleasing.  If I was having a stressful day at the office and just need a place to blow off steam, a giant bird nest is probably the number one place that I would want to go chill. 

This is the best installation piece that I have seen so far.  It wasn't created by an artist with the intent to evoke emotions, it was created by an advertiser with the intent of selling a product.  Nonetheless this evoked many emotions from me and it evokes many emotions from passersby, namely shock, disgust, fear and an incredible urge to potty train a jungle cat. 

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