Monday, October 29, 2012

Inspiration- Something You Drew

For this post, I am using something that I drew.  It's funny, a photo blog on a drawing, but whatever.  The word "drew" is in past tense so I went way back.  
I think that I drew this when I was in fourth grade.  I remember it pretty clearly, I just got a new pack of gel pens and I had also just found out about the song "One eyed, one horned, flying purple people eater" (top, left).  This drawing actually brought back a bunch of memories about a general time in my life.  I'm pretty sure that I was a huge tomboy and I really liked Star Trek: Next Generation.  Yeah, I know, I was awesome.  As you can see, this depicts the apocalypse (which might actually be happening right now outside of my window, I'll keep and eye out for the bright orange meteor).  Looking at this from an objective standpoint, the colors that I used are phenomenal, and I retain my love for pink and purple together.  This is a dark idea that didn't come from a dark place in my ten year old head.  I was looking for a way to use all of my gel pens and this is what came of it.


  1. Man Greta, you were an artistic fourth grader.

  2. Drawing can connect very nicely with photography. Drawings are another way to practice composition and the use of the Elements and Principles of art and design. I love looking at drawings thanks for sharing!
